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15-min Assessment Call (No Legal Advice, Free of Charge)

This Assessment Call is designed to give you the opportunity to briefly discuss your case and determine if our firm is the right fit for your legal needs. Please note that during this call, no legal advice will be provided.

30-Minute Legal Strategy Review with Attorney (Legal Advice, $150 Consultation Fee)

If you require more in-depth legal guidance, we offer a 30-minute in-person Legal Strategy Review with one of our experienced attorneys, Taniesa. During this Legal Strategy Review, our attorney, Taniesa will assess your situation, offer personalized legal insights, and answer any questions you may have. The cost for this Legal Strategy Review is $150.

30-Minute Phone Legal Strategy Review with Attorney (Legal Advice, $150 Consultation Fee)

If you require more in-depth legal guidance, we offer a 30-minute phone Legal Strategy Review with one of our experienced attorneys, Taniesa. During this Legal Strategy Review, our attorney, Taniesa will assess your situation, offer personalized legal insights, and answer any questions you may have. The cost for this Legal Strategy Review is $150.