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The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: How Marriage Affects Health

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: How Marriage Affects Health

Is marriage good for you? Many studies seem to point to health benefits for married couples, with some even claiming that married people live longer than single ones.

If you are in an unhappy marriage, you may disagree. You may feel stressed out or depressed all the time. Your blood pressure is constantly rising. Surely you cannot be healthy.

The thing is, there is a connection between marriage and health. If you are in a happy marriage, then your health is better. In an unhappy marriage or even on the verge of divorce? Then your general health will likely be worse. So it all depends on the state of your marriage. Here are some of the positive and negative health aspects you could experience.


Better General Health

Those in good marriages tend to experience better health in general. That is because when couples get married, they tend to diet and exercise and live healthier in general. Also, married people have a partner to keep them accountable. Their spouse will convince them to see the doctor if they are injured or ill.

Better Aging

Happily-married couples do not worry as much about the aging process. Their relationship bond is strong. They know their spouses love them as they are. Those who are single, on the other hand, may be constantly trying to look good to attract someone. This can lead to a lot of self-esteem issues.

Longer Lifespans

Happy couples live longer because they make good health decisions together. They bring out the best in each other and actively take steps to improve their health so they can live as long as possible.

Increased Rate of Heart Disease

On the other hand, if you are in a bad marriage, your health could get worse. Those in stressful marriages have higher rates of heart disease. Their blood pressure rises, and their cholesterol increases. Women are especially at risk, with stress and anxiety affecting their entire bodies.

Engaging in Harmful Habits

When a person is stressed out, they often cope by engaging in harmful habits. They may start smoking, drinking alcohol, or doing drugs to numb the pain. In severe cases, they may even think about suicide to get out of their marriage.

Weakened Immune System

Those who are stressed out by marital conflict tend to have a weakened immune system. Stress makes it harder for the body to fight illnesses and infections.

Contact Us Today

Marriage can affect your health for better or for worse, depending on the status of your marriage. A good marriage will have health benefits, while a bad one can ruin your health.

What is the status of your marriage? How is your health? If it is time to call it quits, the divorce lawyers Velez Law, PLLC, can help you deal with the effects. Get out of a bad marriage now and improve your health. Fill out the online form or click below link to schedule a consultation.